Yesterday I had to write a script to do some initial setup on Windows and one of the steps was configuring power settings. I remembered that there were few useful options, but googling them did not help me. Luckily I found the pieces in an old script I wrote. So here are few tips for using powercfg.exe
Use Guid aliases
In many online resources you find commands like these:
powercfg.exe -SETACVALUEINDEX ` |
Using Guids is great for compatibility, but awful for readability. So if you are on Windows 7 or newer use aliases instead. You can list all the aliases by powercfg.exe -aliases
which is missing from the help for some reason.
a1841308-3541-4fab-bc81-f71556f20b4a SCHEME_MAX |
It gives you are very nice hierarchical table, but it’s a bit difficult to guess what exactly the alias means. A better way to lookup the information is by powercfg.exe -query
, especially if you reduce the output to only show the alias and the line before it:
powercfg.exe -query | Select-String 'GUID Alias' -context 1,0 |
Inspecting the full output we can easily figure out that the command above translates to:
Which is a valid powercfg.exe
command and can easily be understood as “On Balanced scheme, when connected to electric outlet, sleep after 1 hour of idleness.”.
Use schema aliases
In the previous command we used SCHEME_BALANCED
to change built-in Balanced scheme. And there are also SCHEME_MIN
for the Maximum performance, and SCHEME_MAX
for Power saver scheme. The alias names are a bit backwards, because MIN stands for minimum power saved -> Maximum performance, and vice versa for MAX.
The three aliases above are easy to discover, because they are listed on the top of the -alaises
table, but there are two more that are extremely useful:
pointing to all schemes. This one saves you ton of work when you try to make some settings consistent over all available schemes.
pointing to the currently active scheme. This one is extremely useful when applying changes that require re-activation of the scheme. In that case you can simply do powercfg.exe -setactive SCHEME_CURRENT
. It looks like non-sense, but without it some of the settings won’t work.
These two aliases you can discover by using -aliasesh
parameter which lists all aliases, including aliases for hidden settings.
Inspect hidden settings
The tool can change way more then it seems. There is probably a good reason to hide most of the options by default, but listing them could be more obvious. Listing all the settings can be done by using an undocumented -qh
switch (no -queryh
does not work), which on my system yields 137 options vs. 31 options for the normal query.
powercfg.exe -qh | |
Most of the settings you should not fiddle with, but for example setting the time to turn off display on lock screen from the default 1 minute to 10 seconds can be done like this:
powercfg.exe -setacvalueindex SCHEME_CURRENT SUB_VIDEO VIDEOCONLOCK 10 |
Making the settings visible is possible via -attributes
, but the settings apply even when hidden so I am not sure why you would need to do it:
# show hidden setting |
Reset to default
It is always a good idea to make backup when fiddling with important system settings, but if you didn’t and now you want to revert all your changes, simply call powercfg.exe -restoredefaultschemes
to put everything to it’s initial state.